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About Us


At A Glance

Fostering Family Hope emerged out of an idea to help foster children in practical ways. Beginning as a foster closet and evolving into Fostering Family Initiative, a program we designed to better the connections of foster children with their families through the improvement of visitation areas, the once small project finally took root to form Fostering Family Hope. Established in 2021, we’re an organization driven by a strong foundation of support, community involvement, and physical & financial donations to meet the needs of the foster community that too often go unnoticed.

Megan & Erin

Our Story

Erin and Megan's foster care journeys started off surprisingly at the same time.  The two friends unexpectedly walked into the same licensing class!   Together with their husbands they became licensed foster parents through the Connecticut Department of Children and Family Services and have shared every high and every low foster care has thrown at them.  Erin and Megan quickly realized the substantial need for just basic essentials for kids coming into care. As they established a foster closet to meet these basic needs their vision quickly grew into Fostering Family Hope. They have realized their purpose in helping kids in care and their families (foster, adoptive, or biological) find hope together, and along with friends and fellow foster parents, are devoted to making a difference in the lives of children & families.


“I couldn’t believe all the stuff we got. This winter and Christmas coming, this will be very helpful. She was so excited when she opened her backpack, she put her new shoes right on. She couldn’t wait to wear a new outfit to school. Having this donation has taken some stress off my full plate.” -Foster mother

“Overnight, I went from a single woman to a single mother of an infant. I didn’t have time to prepare or buy anything. I didn’t have a baby shower and didn’t have time to gather things. I had no onesies, no diapers, nothing! Getting a donation of clothing, toys, books, all this stuff, it’s amazing. I hope more people can use this, it’s wonderful.” -Foster mother

 “So far I have gotten two Care Bag donations from Fostering Family Hope. My clients were thrilled with the generosity. Being able to deliver basic needs and fun things to these families and kids has been heartwarming. These donations have helped families immensely. I couldn’t be more appreciative for the Care Bags for my clients. This is a resource everyone should know about!” -Foster parent clinician

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