Corrigan Correctional & New Haven Correctional
DCF Visitation Projects
Fall 2022
Fostering Family Hope is extremely excited to have the opportunity to work with both Corrigan and New Haven Correctional centers to give their DCF visitation rooms a complete make-over! These visitation rooms are so important to the success of reunification and healthy relationship building for kids in care. Currently, the rooms are mostly empty with little to no toys or books, but we get to change that! We will be fully furnishing two visitation rooms with couches, tables, chairs, child-size furniture and toys but we need your help to make it happen. Find out more below on how you can join us in this opportunity to make an incredible difference in the lives of kids with parents in the system!

What We Need & How YOU Can Help
To make a financial donation,
click here
Text-to-Give: #(855) 951-3725
Text GIVE followed by the dollar amount

The RiseUP Group
We are so excited to partner with The RiseUP for Arts to bring local artists to our Visitation Room Projects! RiseUp's mission is to empower communities to imagine new possibilities through public art and education. With their expertise and growing database of artists, our Visitation Rooms will continue to bring reflective and inclusive art to kids and families impacted by foster care!
Learn more about The RiseUP group here.